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Hss Saw Blade Grinder & CNC Saw blade Sharpening Machine

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
Dilihat Sebanyak
19 kali



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Detail Hss Saw Blade Grinder & CNC Saw Blade Sharpening Machine

the ultimate in sharpening machines. With quality construction, precision sharpening is simple and easy. Setup can be completed in just minutes. The elimination of time-consuming adjustment reduces labor costs. EMC-620 CBN.CNC full automatic computer numerical control circular saw blade grinder is made by the innovated technology; it is full automatic CNC processing center controlled and is with precise structure, its speed is faster than other equipments of the same rank. EMC-6200, the Hss Saw blade grinder, its foundation is made of spheroid graphite ductile iron FCD-45, that is with good vibration state damping and well movement performance, it may improve the finishing, and its thermal conductivity is low, so that the affection that caused by the environmental temperature change is little, and it does not distort. Therefore, it can maintain the stability of the machine and promote the precision and the service life. The operating video Jakarta - Indonesia Telp. 021 8611 444 ( hunting) Call : 0815 614 1954, 0813 992 919 09, 0811 893 101
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